vue Petit soucis dans la page galaxy - Page 1

Petit soucis dans la page galaxy

kikikc Messages : 70

euh, je trouve tout ca dans quel fichier

dimanche 3 avril 2011

enjoyrockeur Messages : 25

et qu'elle est le nom de ton alliance au complet ?

dimanche 3 avril 2011

Mizur Messages : 6615

Je ne sais pas où ça se trouve, je ne connais pas la structure de XNova

dimanche 3 avril 2011

kikikc Messages : 70

Mon alliance s'appelle: Alliance luxienne et la TAG est luxien

Voila galaxy_body.tpl cela devrait être lui qui gère les cadre

<script language="JavaScript">
    function galaxy_submit(value) {
      document.getElementById('auto').name = value;

    function fenster(target_url,win_name) {
      var new_win =,win_name,'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,width=640,height=480,top=0,left=0');
<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/tw-sack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajax = new sack();
var strInfo = "";
function whenLoading(){
  //var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
  //e.innerHTML = "{Sending_fleet}";
function whenLoaded(){
  //    var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
  // e.innerHTML = "{Sent_fleet}";
function whenInteractive(){
  //var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatus');
  // e.innerHTML = "{Obtaining_data}";

   We can overwrite functions of the sack object easily. :-)
   This function will replace the sack internal function runResponse(),
   which normally evaluates the xml return value via eval(this.response).

function whenResponse(){

 *  600   OK
 *  601   no planet exists there
 *  602   no moon exists there
 *  603   player is in noob protection
 *  604   player is too strong
 *  605   player is in u-mode
 *  610   not enough espionage probes, sending x (parameter is the second return value)
 *  611   no espionage probes, nothing send
 *  612   no fleet slots free, nothing send
 *  613   not enough deuterium to send a probe

  // the first three digit long return value
  retVals = this.response.split(" ");
  // and the other content of the response
  // but since we only got it if we can send some but not all probes
  // theres no need to complicate things with better parsing
  // each case gets a different table entry, no language file used :P
  switch(retVals[0]) {
  case "600":
    addToTable("done", "success");
    setShips("probes", retVals[2]);
    setShips("recyclers", retVals[3]);
    setShips("missiles", retVals[4]);
  case "601":
    addToTable("{an_error_has_happened_while_it_was_sent}", "error");
  case "602":
    addToTable("{error_there_is_no_moon}", "error");
  case "603":
    addToTable("{error_the_player_is_under_the_protection_of_beginners}", "error");
  case "604":
    addToTable("{error_the_player_is_too_strong}", "error");
  case "605":
    addToTable("Nie mozna skanowac graczy bedacych na urlopie", "vacation");
  case "610":
    addToTable("{error_only_x_available_probes_sending}", "notice");
  case "611":
    addToTable("Brak sond szpiegowskich", "error");
  case "612":
    addToTable("Osiagnieta maksymalna ilosc flot", "error");
  case "613":
    addToTable("Masz za malo deuteru", "error");
  case "614":
    addToTable("Nie mozna skanowac planety nie skolonizowanej", "error");
  case "615":
    addToTable("{error_there_is_no_sufficient_fuel}", "error");
  case "616":
    addToTable("Multialarm!", "error");
  case "617":
addToTable("Nie masz recyklerow", "error");

function doit(order, galaxy, system, planet, planettype, shipcount){
strInfo = "Wysylanie "+shipcount+" "+(shipcount>1?"sond":"sondy")+" na "+galaxy+":"+system+":"+planet+"...";
strInfo = "Wysylanie "+shipcount+" "+(shipcount>1?"recykler":"recyklerow")+" na "+galaxy+":"+system+":"+planet+"...";
    ajax.requestFile = "floten3.php?action=send";

    // no longer needed, since we don't want to write the cryptic
    // response somewhere into the output html
    //ajax.element = 'fleetstatus';
    //ajax.onLoading = whenLoading;
    //ajax.onLoaded = whenLoaded;
    //ajax.onInteractive = whenInteractive;

    // added, overwrite the function runResponse with our own and
    // turn on its execute flag
    ajax.runResponse = whenResponse;
    ajax.execute = true;

    ajax.setVar("thisgalaxy", {tg})
    ajax.setVar("thissystem", {ts});
    ajax.setVar("thisplanet", {tp});
    ajax.setVar("thisplanettype", {tpt});
    ajax.setVar("speed210", 1000000000);
    ajax.setVar("speed209", 2000);
    ajax.setVar("mission", order);
    ajax.setVar("galaxy", galaxy);
    ajax.setVar("system", system);
    ajax.setVar("planet", planet);
    ajax.setVar("speedfactor", 1000);
    ajax.setVar("planettype", planettype);
    ajax.setVar("z_gali", 1);
    ajax.setVar("ship210", shipcount);
    ajax.setVar("ship209", shipcount);
    ajax.setVar("speed", 10);
    //ajax.setVar("reply", "short");


 * This function will manage the table we use to output up to three lines of
 * actions the user did. If there is no action, the tr with id 'fleetstatusrow'
 * will be hidden (display: none;) - if we want to output a line, its display
 * value is cleaned and therefore its visible. If there are more than 2 lines
 * we want to remove the first row to restrict the history to not more than
 * 3 entries. After using the object function of the table we fill the newly
 * created row with text. Let the browser do the parsing work.
function addToTable(strDataResult, strClass) {
  var e = document.getElementById('fleetstatusrow');
  var e2 = document.getElementById('fleetstatustable');

  // make the table row visible = '';
  if(e2.rows.length > 2) {
  var row = e2.insertRow('test');

  var td1 = document.createElement("td");
  var td1text = document.createTextNode(strInfo);

  var td2 = document.createElement("td");

  var span = document.createElement("span");
  var spantext = document.createTextNode(strDataResult);

  var spanclass = document.createAttribute("class");
  spanclass.nodeValue = strClass;


function changeSlots(slotsInUse) {
  var e = document.getElementById('slots');
  e.innerHTML = slotsInUse;

function setShips(ship, count) {
  var e = document.getElementById(ship);
  e.innerHTML = count;


<body onmousemove="tt_Mousemove(event);">

<form action="" method="post" id="galaxy_form">
<input id="auto" value="dr" type="hidden">
<table border="0">
         <td class="c" colspan="3">{Galaxy}</td>
          <td class="l"><input name="galaxyLeft" value="<-" onClick="galaxy_submit('galaxyLeft')" type="button"></td>
          <td class="l"><input name="galaxy" value="{galaxy}" size="5" maxlength="3" tabindex="1" type="text">
          </td><td class="l"><input name="galaxyRight" value="->" onClick="galaxy_submit('galaxyRight')" type="button"></td>
         <td class="c" colspan="3">{Solar_system}</td>
          <td class="l"><input name="systemLeft" value="<-" onClick="galaxy_submit('systemLeft')" type="button"></td>
          <td class="l"><input name="system" value="{system}" size="5" maxlength="3" tabindex="2" type="text">
          </td><td class="l"><input name="systemRight" value="->" onClick="galaxy_submit('systemRight')" type="button"></td>
        <td colspan="2" align="center"> <input value="{Show}" type="submit"></td>
   <table width="569">
<td class="c" colspan="8">{Solar_system_at}</td>
  <td class="c">{Pos}</td>
  <td class="c">{Planet}</td>
  <td class="c">{Name}</td>
  <td class="c">{Moon}</td>
  <td class="c">{Debris}</td>
  <td class="c">{Player} ({State})</td>
  <td class="c">{Alliance}</td>
  <td class="c">{Actions}</td>
  <td class="c" colspan="6"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td>{deuter}</td><td>{rec}</td><td>{ss}</td><td>{planetcount}</td><td>Sloty <span id="slots">{wolne}</span> z {zajete}</td></table></td>
  <td class="c" colspan="2"><a href="#" onmouseover="this.T_WIDTH=150;return escape('<table><tr><td class='c' colspan='2'>{Legend}</td></tr><tr><td width='125'>{Strong_player}</td><td><span class='strong'>f</span></td></tr><tr><td>{Weak_player}</td><td><span class='noob'>d</span></td></tr><tr><td>{Way_vacation}</td><td><span class='vacation'>v</span></td></tr><tr><td>{Pendent_user}</td><td><span class='banned'>s</span></td></tr><tr><td>{Inactive_7_days}</td><td><span class='inactive'>i</span></td></tr><tr><td>{Inactive_28_days}</td><td><span class='longinactive'>I</span></td></tr><tr><td>Admin</td><td><span class='espionagereport'>A</span></td></tr></table>')">{Legend}</a></td>
<tr style="display: none; align:left" id="fleetstatusrow">
  <th colspan="8"><div style="align:left" id="fleetstatus"></div>
<table style="font-weight: bold; align:left" id="fleetstatustable" width="100%">

</center> <!-- OH MY GOD! --->

<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/wz_tooltip.js"></script>
dimanche 3 avril 2011

Mizur Messages : 6615

Halalaaa oui c'est vrai que XNova fonctionne avec des {Alliance} pour dire que ça doit afficher l'alliance... Quelqu'un sait vers quoi pointent ces {mot clef} ?

dimanche 3 avril 2011

kikikc Messages : 70

Cela doit mener au nom de mon alliance

dimanche 3 avril 2011

SiMax Messages : 7572

Les mots clés sont définis par la page PHP associée au template je pense. Mais avec les différentes versions de Xnova, ils ont peut être changé le moyen d'affichage du template ou le code entre crochets, il faut vérifier que tout soit bien ok à ce niveau.

dimanche 3 avril 2011

kikikc Messages : 70

Je suis en legacie 2009.2

lundi 4 avril 2011

vortex Messages : 10

Essaies d'installer la vue de galaxy d'une autre version

lundi 4 avril 2011

kikikc Messages : 70

Oue, quelqu'un aurait des lien pour télécharger les ancienne version?

mardi 5 avril 2011

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