vue multiplication vaisseaux - Page 6

multiplication vaisseaux

stryker Messages : 367

me revoila, toujours chaud homer ?

j'ai regarder un peu pourquoi un moment ça m'a déduit les ressource et la conso :

ça vient de la

j peux supprimer tout le reste du mysql query ça continu de m'envoyer les ressoyurce et déduire la conso

qu'est-ce qu'il a de si magique ????


 _  \_/ |\ | /¯¯\ \  / /\    |¯¯) |_¯ \  / /¯¯\ |  |   |´¯|¯` | /¯¯\ |\ |
 ¯  /¯\ | \| \__/  \/ /--\   |¯¯\ |__  \/  \__/ |__ \_/   |   | \__/ | \|
Copyright (C) 2010 por Brayan Narvaez (principe negro)
Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 By lucky from
Fixed darkmatter transport by 5aMu


Proyect based in xg proyect for xtreme gamez.

function ShowFleet3Page($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
   global $resource, $pricelist, $reslist, $phpEx, $lang, $xgp_root, $game_config, $dpath;
   include_once($xgp_root . 'includes/functions/IsVacationMode.' . $phpEx);

   $parse = $lang;

   if (IsVacationMode($CurrentUser))

   $fleet_group_mr = 0;
   if($_POST['fleet_group'] > 0)
      if($_POST['mission'] == 2)
         $target = "g".$_POST["galaxy"]."s".$_POST["system"]."p".$_POST["planet"]."t".$_POST["planettype"];
         if($_POST['acs_target_mr'] == $target)
            $aks_count_mr = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id = '".$_POST['fleet_group']."'",'aks');
            if (mysql_num_rows($aks_count_mr) > 0)
               $fleet_group_mr = $_POST['fleet_group'];

   if(($_POST['fleet_group'] == 0) && ($_POST['mission'] == 2))
      $_POST['mission'] = 1;

   $TargetPlanet        = doquery("SELECT `id_owner`,`id_level`,`destruyed`,`ally_deposit` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '". $_POST['galaxy'] ."' AND `system` = '". $_POST['system'] ."' AND `planet` = '". $_POST['planet'] ."' AND `planet_type` = '". $_POST['planettype'] ."';", 'planets', true);
   $MyDBRec             = doquery("SELECT `id`,`onlinetime`,`ally_id`,`urlaubs_modus` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $CurrentUser['id']."';", 'users', true);

   $protection       = $game_config['noobprotection'];
   $protectiontime   = $game_config['noobprotectiontime'];
   $protectionmulti  = $game_config['noobprotectionmulti'];

   if ($protectiontime < 1)
      $protectiontime = 9999999999999999;

   $fleetarray  = unserialize(base64_decode(str_rot13($_POST["usedfleet"])));

   if($TargetPlanet["destruyed"] != 0)
      exit(header("Location: game.php?page=fleet"));

   if (!is_array($fleetarray))
      exit(header("Location: game.php?page=fleet"));

   foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count)
      if ($Count > $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Ship]])
         exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   $error              = 0;
   $galaxy             = intval($_POST['galaxy']);
   $system             = intval($_POST['system']);
   $planet             = intval($_POST['planet']);
   $planettype         = intval($_POST['planettype']);
   $fleetmission       = $_POST['mission'];

   if ($planettype != 1 && $planettype != 2 && $planettype != 3)
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if ($fleetmission == 8)
      $YourPlanet = false;
      $UsedPlanet = false;
      $select     = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE galaxy = '". $galaxy ."' AND system = '". $system ."' AND planet = '". $planet ."'", "planets");
      $YourPlanet = false;
      $UsedPlanet = false;
      $select     = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE galaxy = '". $galaxy ."' AND system = '". $system ."' AND planet = '". $planet ."' AND planet_type = '". $planettype ."'", "planets");

   if ($CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] == $galaxy && $CurrentPlanet['system'] == $system &&
      $CurrentPlanet['planet'] == $planet && $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == $planettype)
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if ($_POST['mission'] != 15)
      if (mysql_num_rows($select) < 1 && $fleetmission != 7)
         exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
      elseif ($fleetmission == 9 && mysql_num_rows($select) < 1)
         exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));
      $MaxExpedition      = $CurrentUser[$resource[124]];
  $MaxExpedition2     = $CurrentUser[$resource[139]];

      if ($MaxExpedition >= 1)
         $maxexpde         = doquery("SELECT COUNT(fleet_owner) AS `expedi` FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '".$CurrentUser['id']."' AND `fleet_mission` = '15';", 'fleets', true);
         $ExpeditionEnCours  = $maxexpde['expedi'];
         $EnvoiMaxExpedition = 1 + floor( $MaxExpedition / 3 );
  if ($MaxExpedition2 >= 1)
         $maxexpde         = doquery("SELECT COUNT(fleet_owner) AS `expedi` FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '".$CurrentUser['id']."' AND `fleet_mission` = '15';", 'fleets', true);
         $ExpeditionEnCours  = $maxexpde['expedi'];
         $EnvoiMaxExpedition = 1 + floor( $MaxExpedition / 3 );
         $ExpeditionEnCours   = 0;
         $EnvoiMaxExpedition = 0;
$EnvoiMaxExpedition2 = 0;

      if($EnvoiMaxExpedition == 0 )
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_expedition_tech_required']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
      elseif ($ExpeditionEnCours >= $EnvoiMaxExpedition )
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_expedition_fleets_limit']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
   if($EnvoiMaxExpedition2 == 0 )
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_expedition_tech_required']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);
      elseif ($ExpeditionEnCours >= $EnvoiMaxExpedition2 )
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_expedition_fleets_limit']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   $select = mysql_fetch_array($select);

   if ($select['id_owner'] == $CurrentUser['id'])
      $YourPlanet = true;
      $UsedPlanet = true;
   elseif (!empty($select['id_owner']))
      $YourPlanet = false;
      $UsedPlanet = true;
      $YourPlanet = false;
      $UsedPlanet = false;

   if (empty($fleetmission))
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] == '')
      $HeDBRec = $MyDBRec;
   elseif ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != '')
      $HeDBRec = doquery("SELECT `id`,`onlinetime`,`ally_id`,`urlaubs_modus` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '". $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] ."';", 'users', true);

   $UserPoints    = doquery("SELECT `total_points` FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '". $MyDBRec['id'] ."';", 'statpoints', true);
   $User2Points   = doquery("SELECT `total_points` FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '". $HeDBRec['id'] ."';", 'statpoints', true);

   $MyGameLevel  = $UserPoints['total_points'];
   $HeGameLevel  = $User2Points['total_points'];

   if($HeDBRec['onlinetime'] >= (time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 7))
      if ($MyGameLevel > ($HeGameLevel * $protectionmulti)
         && $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != ''
         && ($_POST['mission'] == 1 or $_POST['mission'] == 6 or $_POST['mission'] == 9)
         && $protection == 1
         && $HeGameLevel < ($protectiontime * 1000))
         message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>".$lang['fl_week_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

      if (($MyGameLevel * $protectionmulti) < $HeGameLevel
         && $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != ''
         && ($_POST['mission'] == 1 or $_POST['mission'] == 5 or $_POST['mission'] == 6 or $_POST['mission'] == 9)
         && $protection == 1
         && $MyGameLevel < ($protectiontime * 1000))
         message("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_strong_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   if ($HeDBRec['urlaubs_modus'] && $_POST['mission'] != 8)
      message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>".$lang['fl_in_vacation_player']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   $FlyingFleets = mysql_fetch_assoc(doquery("SELECT COUNT(fleet_id) as Number FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner`='{$CurrentUser['id']}'", 'fleets'));
   $ActualFleets = $FlyingFleets["Number"];

   if ((1 + $CurrentUser[$resource[108]]) + ($CurrentUser['rpg_commandant'] * COMMANDANT) <= $ActualFleets)
      message($lang['fl_no_slots'], "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 1);
   if ((1 + $CurrentUser[$resource[126]]) + ($CurrentUser['rpg_commandant'] * COMMANDANT) <= $ActualFleets)
      message($lang['fl_no_slots'], "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 1);
   if ($_POST['resource1'] + $_POST['resource2'] + $_POST['resource3'] + $_POST['resource4']  < 1 && $_POST['mission'] == 3)
      message("<font color=\"lime\"><b>".$lang['fl_empty_transport']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 1);

   if ($_POST['mission'] != 15)
      if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] == '' && $_POST['mission'] < 7)
         exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

      if ($TargetPlanet['id_owner'] != '' && $_POST['mission'] == 7)
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_planet_populed']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

    if ($HeDBRec['ally_id'] != $MyDBRec['ally_id'] && $_POST['mission'] == 4)
    message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_stay_not_on_enemy']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

        if ($TargetPlanet['ally_deposit'] < 1 && $HeDBRec != $MyDBRec && $_POST['mission'] == 5)
         message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_not_ally_deposit']."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

if (($TargetPlanet["id_owner"] == $CurrentPlanet["id_owner"]) && (($_POST["mission"] == 1) or ($_POST["mission"] == 6)))
exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

if (($TargetPlanet["id_owner"] != $CurrentPlanet["id_owner"]) && ($_POST["mission"] == 4))
message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>".$lang['fl_deploy_only_your_planets']."</b></font>","game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   $missiontype = array(
      1 => $lang['type_mission'][1],
      2 => $lang['type_mission'][2],
      3 => $lang['type_mission'][3],
      4 => $lang['type_mission'][4],
      5 => $lang['type_mission'][5],
      6 => $lang['type_mission'][6],
      7 => $lang['type_mission'][7],
      8 => $lang['type_mission'][8],
      9 => $lang['type_mission'][9],
      15 => $lang['type_mission'][15],

   $speed_possible = array(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
   $AllFleetSpeed  = GetFleetMaxSpeed ($fleetarray, 0, $CurrentUser);
   $GenFleetSpeed  = $_POST['speed'];
   $SpeedFactor    = $_POST['speedfactor'];
   $MaxFleetSpeed  = min($AllFleetSpeed);

   if (!in_array($GenFleetSpeed, $speed_possible))
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if ($MaxFleetSpeed != $_POST['speedallsmin'])
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if (!$_POST['planettype'])
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if (!$_POST['galaxy'] || !is_numeric($_POST['galaxy']) || $_POST['galaxy'] > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD || $_POST['galaxy'] < 1)
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if (!$_POST['system'] || !is_numeric($_POST['system']) || $_POST['system'] > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY || $_POST['system'] < 1)
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if (!$_POST['planet'] || !is_numeric($_POST['planet']) || $_POST['planet'] > (MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM + 1) || $_POST['planet'] < 1)
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if ($_POST['thisgalaxy'] != $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] |
      $_POST['thissystem'] != $CurrentPlanet['system'] |
      $_POST['thisplanet'] != $CurrentPlanet['planet'] |
      $_POST['thisplanettype'] != $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'])
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   if (!isset($fleetarray))
      exit(header("location:game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet"));

   $distance      = GetTargetDistance($_POST['thisgalaxy'], $_POST['galaxy'], $_POST['thissystem'], $_POST['system'], $_POST['thisplanet'], $_POST['planet']);
   $duration      = GetMissionDuration($GenFleetSpeed, $MaxFleetSpeed, $distance, $SpeedFactor);
   $consumption   = GetFleetConsumption($fleetarray, $SpeedFactor, $duration, $distance, $MaxFleetSpeed, $CurrentUser);

   $fleet['start_time'] = $duration + time();
   if ($_POST['mission'] == 15)
      $StayDuration    = $_POST['expeditiontime'] * 3600;
      $StayTime        = $fleet['start_time'] + $_POST['expeditiontime'] * 3600;
   elseif ($_POST['mission'] == 5)
      $StayDuration    = $_POST['holdingtime'] * 3600;
      $StayTime        = $fleet['start_time'] + $_POST['holdingtime'] * 3600;
      $StayDuration    = 0;
      $StayTime        = 0;

   $fleet['end_time']   = $StayDuration + (2 * $duration) + time();
   $FleetStorage        = 0;
   $FleetShipCount      = 0;
   $fleet_array         = "";
   $FleetSubQRY         = "";

   foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count)
      $FleetStorage    += $pricelist[$Ship]["capacity"] * $Count;
      $FleetShipCount  += $Count;
      $fleet_array     .= $Ship .",". $Count .";";
      $FleetSubQRY     .= "`".$resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` - " . $Count . ", ";

   $FleetStorage        -= $consumption;
   $StorageNeeded        = 0;

$_POST['resource1'] = max(0, (int)trim($_POST['resource1']));
$_POST['resource2'] = max(0, (int)trim($_POST['resource2']));
$_POST['resource3'] = max(0, (int)trim($_POST['resource3']));
$_POST['resource4'] = max(0, (int)trim($_POST['resource4']));

if ($_POST['resource1'] < 1)
$TransMetal      = 0;
$TransMetal      = $_POST['resource1'];
$StorageNeeded  += $TransMetal;

if ($_POST['resource2'] < 1)
$TransCrystal    = 0;
$TransCrystal    = $_POST['resource2'];
$StorageNeeded  += $TransCrystal;
if ($_POST['resource3'] < 1)
$TransDeuterium  = 0;
$TransDeuterium  = $_POST['resource3'];
$StorageNeeded  += $TransDeuterium;
if ($_POST['resource4'] < 1)
$TransDarkmatter = 0;
$TransDarkmatter  = $_POST['resource4'];
$StorageNeeded  += $TransDarkmatter;

   $StockMetal      = $CurrentPlanet['metal'];
   $StockCrystal    = $CurrentPlanet['crystal'];
   $StockDeuterium  = $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'];
   $StockDeuterium  -= $consumption;
   $StockDark       = $CurrentPlanet['darkmatter'];

   $StockOk         = false;
   if ($StockMetal >= $TransMetal)
      if ($StockCrystal >= $TransCrystal)
         if ($StockDeuterium >= $TransDeuterium)
            if ($StockDark >= $TransDark)
            $StockOk         = true;
   if (!$StockOk)
      message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>". $lang['fl_no_enought_deuterium'] . pretty_number($consumption) ."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   if ( $StorageNeeded > $FleetStorage)
      message ("<font color=\"red\"><b>". $lang['fl_no_enought_cargo_capacity'] . pretty_number($StorageNeeded - $FleetStorage) ."</b></font>", "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet", 2);

   if ($TargetPlanet['id_level'] > $CurrentUser['authlevel'] && $game_config['adm_attack'] == 0)
      message($lang['fl_admins_cannot_be_attacked'], "game." . $phpEx . "?page=fleet",2);

   if ($fleet_group_mr != 0)
      $AksStartTime = doquery("SELECT MAX(`fleet_start_time`) AS Start FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_group` = '". $fleet_group_mr . "';", "fleets", true);

if ($AksStartTime['Start'] >= $fleet['start_time'])
$fleet['end_time']        += $AksStartTime['Start'] -  $fleet['start_time'];
$fleet['start_time']     = $AksStartTime['Start'];
$QryUpdateFleets = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
$QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_start_time` = '". $fleet['start_time'] ."', ";
$QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_end_time` = fleet_end_time + '".($fleet['start_time'] - $AksStartTime['Start'])."' ";
$QryUpdateFleets .= "WHERE ";
$QryUpdateFleets .= "`fleet_group` = '". $fleet_group_mr ."';";
doquery($QryUpdateFleets, 'fleets');
$fleet['end_time']         += $fleet['start_time'] -  $AksStartTime['Start'];

   $QryInsertFleet  = "INSERT INTO {{table}} SET ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_owner` = '". $CurrentUser['id'] ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_mission` = '". $_POST['mission'] ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_amount` = '". $FleetShipCount ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_array` = '". $fleet_array ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_time` = '". $fleet['start_time'] ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_galaxy` = '". intval($_POST['thisgalaxy']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_system` = '". intval($_POST['thissystem']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_planet` = '". intval($_POST['thisplanet']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_start_type` = '". intval($_POST['thisplanettype']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_time` = '". $fleet['end_time'] ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_stay` = '". $StayTime ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_galaxy` = '". intval($_POST['galaxy']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_system` = '". intval($_POST['system']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_planet` = '". intval($_POST['planet']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_end_type` = '". intval($_POST['planettype']) ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_metal` = '". $TransMetal ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_crystal` = '". $TransCrystal ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_deuterium` = '". $TransDeuterium ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_resource_darkmatter` = '". $TransDark ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_target_owner` = '". $TargetPlanet['id_owner'] ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`fleet_group` = '". $fleet_group_mr ."', ";
   $QryInsertFleet .= "`start_time` = '". time() ."';";
   doquery( $QryInsertFleet, 'fleets');

  $QryUpdatePlanet  = "UPDATE `xrv_planets` SET ";
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= $FleetSubQRY;
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`metal` = `metal` - ". $TransMetal .", ";
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`crystal` = `crystal` - ". $TransCrystal .", ";
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - ". ($TransDeuterium + $consumption) ." ";
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE ";
   $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = ". $CurrentPlanet['id'] ." LIMIT 1;";
   doquery ($QryUpdatePlanet, "planets");

   $parse['mission']       = $missiontype[$_POST['mission']];
   $parse['distance']      = pretty_number($distance);
   $parse['speedallsmin']  = pretty_number($_POST['speedallsmin']);
   $parse['consumption']   = pretty_number($consumption);
   $parse['from']       = $_POST['thisgalaxy'] .":". $_POST['thissystem']. ":". $_POST['thisplanet'];
   $parse['destination']   = $_POST['galaxy'] .":". $_POST['system'] .":". $_POST['planet'];
   $parse['start_time']    = date("M D d H:i:s", $fleet['start_time']);
   $parse['end_time']      = date("M D d H:i:s", $fleet['end_time']);

   foreach ($fleetarray as $Ship => $Count)
      $fleet_list .= "</tr><tr height=\"20\">";
      $fleet_list .= "<th>". $lang['tech'][$Ship] .$lang['tech2'][$Ship]."</th>";
      $fleet_list .= "<th>". pretty_number($Count) ."</th>";

// Ceci peut être demandé par un utilisateur, par exemple :
// $deuterium= 'deuterium';

// Formulation de la requête
// C'est la meilleur façon d'exécuter une requête SQL
// Pour plus d'exemples, voir mysql_real_escape_string()
 // $QryUpdatePlanet  = "UPDATE `xrv_planets` SET ";
// $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - ". ($TransDeuterium + $consumption) ." ";

// Exécution de la requête
// $result = mysql_query($QryUpdatePlanet);

// Vérification du résultat
// Ceci montre la requête envoyée à MySQL ainsi que l'erreur. Utile pour déboguer.
// if (!$result) {
    // $message  = 'Requête invalide : ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
    // $message .= 'Requête complète : ' . $QryUpdatePlanet;
// }
   $parse['fleet_list']    = $fleet_list;
    $parse['header'] = "<img src=\"" .$dpath ."/headers/flotas4.png\">";
   display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('fleet/fleet3_table'), $parse), true);
ligne 458

mercredi 3 juillet 2013 (Dernière édition mercredi 3 juillet 2013)

Homer Messages : 1925

Sâche que mon cerveau à fait un reset entre temps

Je sais plus du tout ce qu'on cherchais à faire et j'ai la flemme de relire toute les pages, un petit résumé m'aiderai grandement

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

stryker Messages : 367

mon seigneur tout puissant on cherchait a savoir pourquoi lorqu'une flotte était envoyé elle ne déduisait pas la conso et les ressource séléctionner

et après on été partit sur un mysql query

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

Homer Messages : 1925

Ah oui me souviens

j'aurai pas le temps de voir ça plus en détails avant la semaine prochaine, patience

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

stryker Messages : 367

mdr j suis plus a 1 semaine près

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

stryker Messages : 367

Homer est-ce que tu as du temps ou pas parce que la j'ai toute la soirée et demain de libre

mardi 9 juillet 2013

Homer Messages : 1925

non, je pense qu'il va falloir que tu attende mes vacances en aout, j'ai très peu de temps pour moi ces temps-ci :-\

mardi 9 juillet 2013

stryker Messages : 367

arf =/ bien chef pas grave....

mardi 9 juillet 2013

maarhsa Messages : 18

Xnova révolution à été modifié en codant avec les pieds !

Sérieux, revolution comporte beaucoup trop de bug, il fus un temps ou j'avais revolution 5.6, après avoir corrigé énormément de bug en tout genre, il en restait et d'autre persistait.

J'ai donc tout baclé.

je sais que c'est pas avec mes commentaire que je vais t'aider.

mais juste qu'il faut savoir, c'est que prendre un repack avec un beau design ne sert a rien si tu passe ton temps à corriger les bug.

prend une bonne version plus stable comme legacie, même si j'aime pas. Il est déjà nettement plus stable. Et le code est le même que revolution à quelque détail près.

dimanche 21 juillet 2013

stryker Messages : 367

legacie le design est a ch... si tu passe autant de temps a réparer les bug qu'a refaire le design autant s'ammuser avec les bug celui la est le dernier gros a résoudre tout le reste a été tester et tout est stable

dimanche 21 juillet 2013

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