vue Decomposition Arbre techno Xnova rev 5.9

Decomposition Arbre techno Xnova rev 5.9

Tomas117 Messages : 433

Salut a tous, voila je voudrait decomposé mon arbre technologique par unité, structures,... je pense que c'est dans le fichier : techtree_overview, mais je ne sais aps comment je pourrai faire , une idée ?

dimanche 9 février 2014

Homer Messages : 1925

Les "elements" sont classés en ID, regarde le fichier var.php

donc il suffit de n'afficher que ceux que tu veux

Batiment ID > 100

Recherche : 100 < ID < 199


dimanche 9 février 2014

Tomas117 Messages : 433

je vais regarder merci !

lundi 10 février 2014

Tomas117 Messages : 433

DOnc c'est bien ici, par contre j'arrive pas a integrer du texte dans une variable et l'integrer, pouvez vous m'aider ?

Voici le code :


_ \_/ |\ | /¯¯\ \ / /\ |¯¯) |_¯ \ / /¯¯\ | | |´¯|¯` | /¯¯\ |\ |5

¯ /¯\ | \| \__/ \/ /--\ |¯¯\ |__ \/ \__/ |__ \_/ | | \__/ | \|Core.

* @author: Copyright (C) 2011 by Brayan Narvaez (Prinick) developer of xNova Revolution

* @author web:

* @link:

* @package 2Moons

* @author Slaver

* @copyright 2009 Lucky (XGProyecto)

* @copyright 2011 Slaver (Fork/2Moons)

* @license GNU GPLv3 License

* @version 1.3 (2011-01-21)

* @link

* Please do not remove the credits


if ( defined('INSIDE'))


$resource = array(

1 => "metal_mine",

2 => "crystal_mine",

3 => "deuterium_sintetizer",

4 => "solar_plant",

6 => "university",

7 => "norio_mine",

12 => "fusion_plant",

14 => "robot_factory",

15 => "nano_factory",

21 => "hangar",

22 => "metal_store",

23 => "crystal_store",

24 => "deuterium_store",

25 => "norio_store",

31 => "laboratory",

33 => "terraformer",

34 => "ally_deposit",

41 => "mondbasis",

42 => "phalanx",

43 => "sprungtor",

44 => "silo",

106 => "spy_tech",

108 => "computer_tech",

109 => "military_tech",

110 => "defence_tech",

111 => "shield_tech",

113 => "energy_tech",

114 => "hyperspace_tech",

115 => "combustion_tech",

117 => "impulse_motor_tech",

118 => "hyperspace_motor_tech",

120 => "laser_tech",

121 => "ionic_tech",

122 => "buster_tech",

123 => "intergalactic_tech",

124 => "expedition_tech",

131 => "metal_proc_tech",

132 => "crystal_proc_tech",

133 => "deuterium_proc_tech",

134 => "darkmatter_moon",

135 => "norio_proc_tech",

199 => "graviton_tech",

202 => "small_ship_cargo",

203 => "big_ship_cargo",

204 => "light_hunter",

205 => "heavy_hunter",

206 => "crusher",

207 => "battle_ship",

208 => "colonizer",

209 => "recycler",

210 => "spy_sonde",

211 => "bomber_ship",

212 => "solar_satelit",

213 => "destructor",

214 => "dearth_star",

215 => "battleship",

216 => "lune_noir",

217 => "ev_transporter",

218 => "star_crasher",

219 => "giga_recykler",

220 => "dm_ship",

401 => "misil_launcher",

402 => "small_laser",

403 => "big_laser",

404 => "gauss_canyon",

405 => "ionic_canyon",

406 => "buster_canyon",

407 => "small_protection_shield",

408 => "big_protection_shield",

409 => "planet_protector",

410 => "graviton_canyon",

411 => "orbital_station",

502 => "interceptor_misil",

503 => "interplanetary_misil",

600 => "comandante",

601 => "geologo",

602 => "almirante",

603 => "ingeniero",

604 => "tecnocrata",


$requeriments = array(

6 => array( 14 => 20, 31 => 22, 15 => 4, 108 => 12, 123 => 3),

12 => array( 3 => 5, 113 => 3),

15 => array( 14 => 10, 108 => 10),

21 => array( 14 => 2),

33 => array( 15 => 1, 113 => 12),

42 => array( 41 => 1),

43 => array( 41 => 1, 114 => 7),

44 => array( 21 => 1),

106 => array( 31 => 3),

108 => array( 31 => 1),

109 => array( 31 => 4),

110 => array( 113 => 3, 31 => 6),

111 => array( 31 => 2),

113 => array( 31 => 1),

114 => array( 113 => 5, 110 => 5, 31 => 7),

115 => array( 113 => 1, 31 => 1),

117 => array( 113 => 1, 31 => 2),

118 => array( 114 => 3, 31 => 7),

120 => array( 31 => 1, 113 => 2),

121 => array( 31 => 4, 120 => 5, 113 => 4),

122 => array( 31 => 5, 113 => 8, 120 => 10, 121 => 5),

123 => array( 31 => 10, 108 => 8, 114 => 8),

124 => array( 106 => 3, 117 => 3, 31 => 3),

131 => array( 31 => 8, 113 => 5),

132 => array( 31 => 8, 113 => 5),

133 => array( 31 => 8, 113 => 5),

134 => array( 31 => 13, 113 => 9),

135 => array( 31 => 8, 113 => 5),

199 => array( 31 => 12),

202 => array( 21 => 2, 115 => 2),

203 => array( 21 => 4, 115 => 6),

204 => array( 21 => 1, 115 => 1),

205 => array( 21 => 3, 111 => 2, 117 => 2),

206 => array( 21 => 5, 117 => 4, 121 => 2),

207 => array( 21 => 7, 118 => 4),

208 => array( 21 => 4, 117 => 3),

209 => array( 21 => 4, 115 => 6),

210 => array( 21 => 3, 115 => 3, 106 => 2),

211 => array( 117 => 6, 21 => 8, 122 => 5),

212 => array( 21 => 1),

213 => array( 21 => 9, 118 => 6, 114 => 5),

214 => array( 21 => 12, 118 => 7, 114 => 6, 199 => 1),

215 => array( 114 => 5, 120 => 12, 118 => 5, 21 => 8),

216 => array( 106 => 12, 21 => 15, 109 => 14, 110 => 14, 111 => 15, 114 => 10, 120 => 20, 199 => 3),

217 => array( 21 => 14, 114 => 10, 117 => 15),

218 => array( 21 => 18, 109 => 20, 110 => 20, 111 => 20, 114 => 15, 118 => 20, 120 => 25, 199 => 8),

219 => array( 21 => 15, 118 => 8),

220 => array( 21 => 9, 114 => 5, 118 => 6, 134 => 5),

401 => array( 21 => 1),

402 => array( 113 => 1, 21 => 2, 120 => 3),

403 => array( 113 => 3, 21 => 4, 120 => 6),

404 => array( 21 => 6, 113 => 6, 109 => 3, 110 => 1),

405 => array( 21 => 4, 121 => 4),

406 => array( 21 => 8, 122 => 7),

407 => array( 110 => 2, 21 => 1),

408 => array( 110 => 6, 21 => 6),

409 => array( 110 => 8, 21 => 8),

410 => array( 199 => 7, 21 => 18, 109 => 20),

411 => array( 199 => 10, 110 => 22, 122 => 20, 108 => 15, 111 => 25, 113 => 20, 21 => 20),

502 => array( 44 => 2, 21 => 1),

503 => array( 44 => 4, 21 => 1, 117 => 1),


$pricelist = array(

1 => array ( 'metal' => 60, 'crystal' => 15, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2),

2 => array ( 'metal' => 48, 'crystal' => 24, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1.6),

3 => array ( 'metal' => 225, 'crystal' => 75, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2),

4 => array ( 'metal' => 75, 'crystal' => 30, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2),

6 => array ( 'metal' =>100000000,'crystal' =>50000000, 'deuterium' =>25000000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2.2),

7 => array ( 'metal' => 500,'crystal' => 150, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2),

12 => array ( 'metal' => 900, 'crystal' => 360, 'deuterium' => 180, 'norio' => 0,'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1.8),

14 => array ( 'metal' => 400, 'crystal' => 120, 'deuterium' => 200, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

15 => array ( 'metal' => 1000000, 'crystal' => 500000, 'deuterium' => 100000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

21 => array ( 'metal' => 400, 'crystal' => 200, 'deuterium' => 100, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

22 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

23 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 1000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

24 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 2000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

25 => array ( 'metal' => 1000, 'crystal' => 3000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

31 => array ( 'metal' => 200, 'crystal' => 400, 'deuterium' => 200, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

33 => array ( 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 50000, 'deuterium' => 100000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

34 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 40000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

41 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 40000, 'deuterium' => 20000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

42 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 40000, 'deuterium' => 20000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

43 => array ( 'metal' => 2000000, 'crystal' => 4000000, 'deuterium' => 2000000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

44 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 20000, 'deuterium' => 1000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2),

106 => array ( 'metal' => 200, 'crystal' => 1000, 'deuterium' => 200, 'norio' => 100, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

108 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 400, 'deuterium' => 600, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

109 => array ( 'metal' => 800, 'crystal' => 200, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

110 => array ( 'metal' => 200, 'crystal' => 600, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

111 => array ( 'metal' => 1000, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

113 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 800, 'deuterium' => 400, 'norio' => 50, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

114 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 4000, 'deuterium' => 2000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

115 => array ( 'metal' => 400, 'crystal' => 100, 'deuterium' => 600, 'norio' => 200, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

117 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 4000, 'deuterium' => 600, 'norio' => 500, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

118 => array ( 'metal' => 10000, 'crystal' => 20000, 'deuterium' => 6000, 'norio' => 5000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

120 => array ( 'metal' => 200, 'crystal' => 100, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

121 => array ( 'metal' => 1000, 'crystal' => 300, 'deuterium' => 100, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

122 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 4000, 'deuterium' => 1000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

123 => array ( 'metal' => 240000, 'crystal' => 400000, 'deuterium' => 160000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

131 => array ( 'metal' => 750, 'crystal' => 500, 'deuterium' => 250, 'norio' => 300, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

132 => array ( 'metal' => 1000, 'crystal' => 750, 'deuterium' => 500, 'norio' => 600, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

133 => array ( 'metal' => 1250, 'crystal' => 1000, 'deuterium' => 750, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

124 => array ( 'metal' => 4000, 'crystal' => 8000, 'deuterium' => 4000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

134 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 50000, 'deuterium' => 40000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 5),

135 => array ( 'metal' => 1000, 'crystal' => 850, 'deuterium' => 610, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 2, 'max' => 255),

199 => array ( 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 300000, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 3, 'max' => 255),

202 => array ( 'metal' => 4000, 'crystal' => 4000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 10, 'consumption2' => 20 , 'speed' => 5000, 'speed2' => 10000, 'capacity' => 5000, 'tech' => 4),

203 => array ( 'metal' => 8000, 'crystal' => 8000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 50, 'consumption2' => 50 , 'speed' => 7500, 'speed2' => 7500, 'capacity' => 25000, 'tech' => 1),

204 => array ( 'metal' => 5000, 'crystal' => 2000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 20, 'consumption2' => 20 , 'speed' => 12500, 'speed2' => 12500, 'capacity' => 50, 'tech' => 1),

205 => array ( 'metal' => 8000, 'crystal' => 6000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 75, 'consumption2' => 75 , 'speed' => 10000, 'speed2' => 15000, 'capacity' => 100, 'tech' => 2),

206 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 7000, 'deuterium' => 3000, 'norio' => 6000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 300, 'consumption2' => 300 , 'speed' => 15000, 'speed2' => 15000, 'capacity' => 800, 'tech' => 2),

207 => array ( 'metal' => 55000, 'crystal' => 23000, 'deuterium' => 5000, 'norio' => 10000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 250, 'consumption2' => 250 , 'speed' => 10000, 'speed2' => 10000, 'capacity' => 1500, 'tech' => 3),

208 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 30000, 'deuterium' => 15000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 1000, 'consumption2' => 1000, 'speed' => 2500, 'speed2' => 2500, 'capacity' => 7500, 'tech' => 2),

209 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 8000, 'deuterium' => 3000, 'norio' => 2000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 300, 'consumption2' => 300 , 'speed' => 2000, 'speed2' => 2000, 'capacity' => 20000, 'tech' => 1),

210 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 2000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 1, 'consumption2' => 1 , 'speed' => 1000000, 'speed2' => 1000000, 'capacity' => 10, 'tech' => 1),

211 => array ( 'metal' => 60000, 'crystal' => 35000, 'deuterium' => 25000, 'norio' => 30000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 1000, 'consumption2' => 1000, 'speed' => 4000, 'speed2' => 5000, 'capacity' => 500, 'tech' => 5),

212 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 3000, 'deuterium' => 500, 'norio' => 1000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 0, 'consumption2' => 0 , 'speed' => 0, 'speed2' => 0, 'capacity' => 0, 'tech' => 0),

213 => array ( 'metal' => 80000, 'crystal' => 60000, 'deuterium' => 25000, 'norio' => 40000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 1000, 'consumption2' => 1000, 'speed' => 5000, 'speed2' => 5000, 'capacity' => 2000, 'tech' => 3),

214 => array ( 'metal' => 10000000, 'crystal' => 7000000, 'deuterium' => 2000000, 'norio' => 9000000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 1, 'consumption2' => 1 , 'speed' => 200, 'speed2' => 200, 'capacity' => 1000000, 'tech' => 3),

215 => array ( 'metal' => 40000, 'crystal' => 15000, 'deuterium' => 10000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 250, 'consumption2' => 250 , 'speed' => 10000, 'speed2' => 10000, 'capacity' => 750, 'tech' => 3),

216 => array ( 'metal' => 8000000, 'crystal' => 2000000, 'deuterium' => 1500000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 250, 'consumption2' => 250 , 'speed' => 900, 'speed2' => 900, 'capacity' => 15000000, 'tech' => 3),

217 => array ( 'metal' => 35000, 'crystal' => 20000, 'deuterium' => 1500, 'norio' => 40000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 90, 'consumption2' => 90, 'speed' => 6000, 'speed2' => 6000, 'capacity' => 400000000, 'tech' => 3),

218 => array ( 'metal' => 275000000, 'crystal' => 130000000, 'deuterium' => 60000000, 'norio' => 120000000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 10000, 'consumption2' => 10000, 'speed' => 10, 'speed2' => 10, 'capacity' => 50000000, 'tech' => 3),

219 => array ( 'metal' => 1000000, 'crystal' => 600000, 'deuterium' => 200000, 'norio' => 300000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 300, 'consumption2' => 300, 'speed' => 7500, 'speed2' => 7500, 'capacity' => 200000000, 'tech' => 3),

220 => array ( 'metal' => 100, 'crystal' => 2500, 'deuterium' => 800, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1, 'consumption' => 100000, 'consumption2' => 100000, 'speed' => 100, 'speed2' => 100, 'capacity' => 6000000, 'tech' => 3),

401 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 0, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

402 => array ( 'metal' => 1500, 'crystal' => 500, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

403 => array ( 'metal' => 6000, 'crystal' => 2000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

404 => array ( 'metal' => 20000, 'crystal' => 15000, 'deuterium' => 2000, 'norio' => 3000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

405 => array ( 'metal' => 2000, 'crystal' => 6000, 'deuterium' => 1000, 'norio' => 2000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

406 => array ( 'metal' => 50000, 'crystal' => 50000, 'deuterium' => 30000, 'norio' => 20000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

407 => array ( 'metal' => 10000, 'crystal' => 10000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

408 => array ( 'metal' => 50000, 'crystal' => 50000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

409 => array ( 'metal' => 10000000, 'crystal' => 5000000, 'deuterium' => 2500000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

410 => array ( 'metal' => 15000000, 'crystal' => 15000000, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

411 => array ( 'metal' => 5000000000, 'crystal' => 2000000000, 'deuterium' => 500000000, 'norio' => 800000000, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 10000, 'factor' => 1 ),

502 => array ( 'metal' => 8000, 'crystal' => 100, 'deuterium' => 2000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

503 => array ( 'metal' => 12500, 'crystal' => 2500, 'deuterium' => 10000, 'norio' => 0, 'energy_max' => 0, 'darkmatter' => 0, 'factor' => 1 ),

600 => array ( 'max' => 20, 'week'=> array('time' => 604800, 'darkmatter' => 10000), 'months'=>array('time' => 7776000, 'darkmatter' => 100000)),

601 => array ( 'max' => 20, 'week'=> array('time' => 604800, 'darkmatter' => 5000), 'months'=>array('time' => 7776000, 'darkmatter' => 50000)),

602 => array ( 'max' => 20, 'week'=> array('time' => 604800, 'darkmatter' => 5000), 'months'=>array('time' => 7776000, 'darkmatter' => 50000)),

603 => array ( 'max' => 20, 'week'=> array('time' => 604800, 'darkmatter' => 12500), 'months'=>array('time' => 7776000, 'darkmatter' => 125000)),

604 => array ( 'max' => 20, 'week'=> array('time' => 604800, 'darkmatter' => 10000), 'months'=>array('time' => 7776000, 'darkmatter' => 100000)),


$CombatCaps = array(

202 => array ( 'shield' => 10, 'attack' => 5, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

203 => array ( 'shield' => 25, 'attack' => 5, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

204 => array ( 'shield' => 10, 'attack' => 50, 'sd' => array (202 => 2, 210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

205 => array ( 'shield' => 25, 'attack' => 150, 'sd' => array (202 => 4, 203 => 1, 210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

206 => array ( 'shield' => 50, 'attack' => 400, 'sd' => array (204 => 6, 401 => 10, 210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

207 => array ( 'shield' => 200, 'attack' => 1000, 'sd' => array (205 => 2, 210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

208 => array ( 'shield' => 100, 'attack' => 50, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

209 => array ( 'shield' => 10, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

210 => array ( 'shield' => .001, 'attack' => .001, 'sd' => array ()),

211 => array ( 'shield' => 500, 'attack' => 1000, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5, 401 => 20, 402 => 20, 403 => 10, 405 => 10)),

212 => array ( 'shield' => .001, 'attack' => .001, 'sd' => array ()),

213 => array ( 'shield' => 500, 'attack' => 2000, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5, 215 => 2, 223 => 20, 402 => 10)),

214 => array ( 'shield' => 50000, 'attack' => 200000, 'sd' => array (210 => 1250, 212 => 1250, 202 => 250, 203 => 250, 208 => 250, 209 => 250, 204 => 200, 205 => 100, 206 => 33, 207 => 30, 211 => 25, 215 => 15, 213 => 5, 223 => 20, 224 => 20, 225 => 25, 226 => 5, 227 => 30, 228 => 25, 401 => 200, 402 => 200, 403 => 100, 404 => 50, 405 => 100)),

215 => array ( 'shield' => 8000, 'attack' => 700, 'sd' => array (202 => 3, 203 => 3, 205 => 4, 206 => 4, 207 => 10, 210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

216 => array ( 'shield' => 70000, 'attack' => 150000, 'sd' => array (210 => 1250, 212 => 1250, 202 => 250, 203 => 250, 204 => 200, 205 => 100, 206 => 33, 207 => 30, 208 => 250, 209 => 250, 211 => 25, 213 => 5, 214 => 1, 215 => 15, 223 => 30, 224 => 30, 225 => 35, 226 => 10, 227 => 40, 228 => 35, 401 => 400, 402 => 200, 403 => 100, 404 => 50, 405 => 100)),

217 => array ( 'shield' => 120, 'attack' => 50, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

218 => array ( 'shield' => 2000000, 'attack' => 35000000, 'sd' => array (210 => 1250, 212 => 1250, 202 => 250, 203 => 250, 204 => 200, 205 => 100, 206 => 33, 207 => 30, 208 => 250, 209 => 250, 211 => 25, 213 => 5, 223 => 50, 224 => 50, 225 => 55, 226 => 30, 227 => 60, 228 => 55, 215 => 15, 401 => 400, 402 => 200, 403 => 100, 404 => 50, 405 => 100)),

219 => array ( 'shield' => 1000, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

220 => array ( 'shield' => 25, 'attack' => 5, 'sd' => array (210 => 5, 212 => 5)),

401 => array ( 'shield' => 20, 'attack' => 80, 'sd' => array ()),

402 => array ( 'shield' => 25, 'attack' => 100, 'sd' => array ()),

403 => array ( 'shield' => 100, 'attack' => 250, 'sd' => array ()),

404 => array ( 'shield' => 200, 'attack' => 1100, 'sd' => array ()),

405 => array ( 'shield' => 500, 'attack' => 150, 'sd' => array ()),

406 => array ( 'shield' => 300, 'attack' => 3000, 'sd' => array ()),

407 => array ( 'shield' => 2000, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array ()),

408 => array ( 'shield' => 10000, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array ()),

409 => array ( 'shield' => 1000000, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array ()),

410 => array ( 'shield' => 80000, 'attack' => 500000, 'sd' => array ()),

411 => array ( 'shield' =>2000000000, 'attack' => 400000000, 'sd' => array ()),

502 => array ( 'shield' => 1, 'attack' => 1, 'sd' => array ()),

503 => array ( 'shield' => 1, 'attack' => 12000, 'sd' => array ()),


$ProdGrid = array(

1 => array( 'metal' => 40, 'crystal' => 10, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return (30 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor) * (1 + ($BuildProcMetal * 0.02));',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return "0";',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return - (10 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


2 => array( 'metal' => 30, 'crystal' => 15, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 1.6,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return (20 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor) * (1 + ($BuildProcCrystal * 0.02));',

'deuterium' => 'return "0";',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return - (10 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


3 => array( 'metal' => 150, 'crystal' => 50, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return (10 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel) * (-0.002 * $BuildTemp + 1.28) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor)) * (1 + ($BuildProcDeuterium * 0.02));',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return - (30 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


4 => array( 'metal' => 50, 'crystal' => 20, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return "0";',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return (40 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


7 => array( 'metal' => 400, 'crystal' => 130, 'deuterium' => 0, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 3/2,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return "0";',

'norio' => 'return (15 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor) * (1 + ($BuildProcNorium * 0.02));',

'energy' => 'return - (15 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.1), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


12 => array( 'metal' => 500, 'crystal' => 200, 'deuterium' => 100, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 1.8,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return - (10 * $BuildLevel * pow(1.1,$BuildLevel) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor));',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return (40 * $BuildLevel * pow((1.05 + $BuildEnergy * 0.01), $BuildLevel)) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor);')


212 => array( 'metal' => 0, 'crystal' => 2000, 'deuterium' => 500, 'norio' => 0, 'energy' => 0, 'factor' => 0.5,

'formule' => array(

'metal' => 'return "0";',

'crystal' => 'return "0";',

'deuterium' => 'return "0";',

'norio' => 'return "0";',

'energy' => 'return ((($BuildTemp + 200) / 6) * (0.1 * $BuildLevelFactor) * $BuildLevel);')



$reslist['allow'] = array ( 1 => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 44), 3 => array(12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 34, 41, 42, 43));

$reslist['build'] = array ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 44, 41, 42, 43);

$reslist['tech'] = array ( 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 199);

$reslist['fleet'] = array ( 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220);

$reslist['defense'] = array ( 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 502, 503 );

$reslist['officier'] = array ( 600,601, 602, 603, 604);

$reslist['prod'] = array ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 212 );

$reslist['procent'] = array ( 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 0);

$reslist['one'] = array ( 407, 408, 409, 411);



Je voudrais integrer une section batiment, technologie,...

lundi 10 février 2014

Homer Messages : 1925

les fichiers on les a

J'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais faire

lundi 10 février 2014

stryker Messages : 367

tu veux que chaque partie soit séparé ? batiment techno def flotte etc...

lundi 10 février 2014

Tomas117 Messages : 433


Soit faire une sorte d'arbre(mais je sais pas faire...), soit mettre des titres avant les unités, la defense,...

mardi 11 février 2014

stryker Messages : 367

normalement les techno vaisseau def et batiment attaque par xx1 101 201 401 ou 1

dans ton fichier .mo tu met 100 techno 200 vaisseau 400 defense 0 batiment

mercredi 12 février 2014 (Dernière édition mercredi 12 février 2014)

Tomas117 Messages : 433

fichier .mo ? et comment tu fait pour definir que 10 vaut techno,...?

mercredi 12 février 2014

Homer Messages : 1925
Homer :

Les "elements" sont classés en ID, regarde le fichier var.php

donc il suffit de n'afficher que ceux que tu veux

Batiment ID > 100

Recherche : 100 < ID < 199


je t'ai donné l'astuce !

mercredi 12 février 2014

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