vue Message d'erreur Warning: Cannot modify header information

Message d'erreur Warning: Cannot modify header information

Sadji Messages : 3


Je me suis connecté sur mon site cette après midi et j'ai constaté les messages d'erreur suivant:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homez.548/daymbenh/www/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php:751) in /homez.548/daymbenh/www/ndxzstudio/lib/page.php on line 92


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homez.548/daymbenh/www/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php:751) in /homez.548/daymbenh/www/index.php on line 166

Je suis un total débutant, je n'ai pas du tout l'habitude de coder et ne comprend quasiment rien au jargon utilisé dans d'autre forum se rapprochant de mon problème.

J'ai utilisé indexhibit pour faire mon site et le seul moment où j'ai utilisé du code, c'est en modifiant le fichier style.css pour changer les couleurs des textes des fonds de texte etc.

Autre chose, ce matin j'ai été attaqué par un virus, mais je pense que c'est réglé, donc je ne sais pas si ça a eu une incidence sur ce problème.

Je demande votre aide et aussi votre patience pour m'expliquer le plus clairement que vous pourrez mon problème.


lundi 19 novembre 2012 (Dernière édition lundi 19 novembre 2012)

Sadji Messages : 3

voici le fichier page.php

<?php if (!defined('SITE')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

* Frontend template class
* Used for generating frontend template
* (This really needs some work still - but it's functional for now)
* @version 1.0
* @author Vaska
class Page
public $result = array();
public $exhibit = array();
public $lib_js_add;
public $exhibitz = array();
public $protected = false;
public $last_visit;
public $cached = true;
public $js_lib_table = array();
public $js_jquery_table = array();
public $js_jquery_onready_table = array();
public $js_prototype_table = array();
public $js_prototype_onready_table = array();
public $version = '';
public $parsed = false;

* Returns results array and exhibition plugin
* @param void
* @return mixed
public function Page()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

//$this->result = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;
if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit['version']))
$this->version = '?v=' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['version'];

//if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax']))
//if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax'] == false)
// init the format
// $this->loadExhibit();

public function version()
return $this->version;

public function get_imgs()
$OBJ =& get_instance();
global $default;

// load the interface

// implement the interface
$class = 'filesource' . $default['filesource'][$OBJ->vars->exhibit['media_source']];
$F =& load_class($class, true, 'lib');

// get our output
return $F->getDisplayImages();

* Returns void
* @param void
* @return void
public function last_visit()

setcookie('ndxz_last', getNow(), time()+3600*24*365, '/');

* Returns exhibition format parameters
* @param void
* @return string
public function init_page()
$exhibit = array();

$OBJ =& get_instance();

// let's keep track of visits

// what about section passwords?
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;

$page = 'ndxz_sec_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['secid'];

if (isset($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');

// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;

$out = $this->sec_password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";

$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
// built-in password check
// checks only the active page
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;

$page = 'ndxz_page_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['id'];

if (isset($_POST['ndxz_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');

// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;

$out = $this->password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";

$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
$OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "security.css";

// occoasionally handy functions
public function sysvar($name='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
return $OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name];

public function changevar($name='', $value='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if (isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name] = $value;

public function makevar($name='', $value='')
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if (!isset($OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name]))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit[$name] = $value;

* Password check
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function sec_password()
$out = "<form name='ndxz_protect' id='ndxz-protect' method='post' action=''>\n";
$out .= "<p>Password Protected Section</p>\n";
$out .= "<p>Enter Password</p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_sec_pwd' type='text' maxlength='12' /></p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_hid' type='hidden' value='' /></p>\n";
$out .= "<p><input name='ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt' type='submit' value='submit' /></p>\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";

return $out;

* Password check
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function password()
$out = "<form name='ndxz_protect' id='ndxz-protect' method='post' action=''>\n";

// this can be changed via a plugin (need to make the plugin)
$out .= "<p>Password Protected Page (enter password):</p>\n";

$out .= "<div id='ndxz_pwd'><input name='ndxz_pwd' type='text' maxlength='12' /></div>\n";
$out .= "<div id='ndxz_pwd_sbmt'><button name='ndxz_pwd_sbmt' type='submit' />Submit</button></div>\n";
$out .= "<input name='ndxz_hid' type='hidden' value='' />\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";

return $out;

* Returns index
* @param string $function
* @return string
public function index($function='')
// load 'theindex' class
$NDX =& load_class('theindex', TRUE, 'lib');
return $NDX->load_index();

public function javascript()
$out = $this->jquery();
$out .= $this->prototype();
$out .= $this->lib_js();
$out .= $this->dyn_js();

return $out;

* Returns exhibition
* @param void
* @return string
public function loadExhibit()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

// check for password protection

if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php';

$OBJ =& get_instance();
elseif (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['format'] . '.php';

$OBJ =& get_instance();
// thie default format
if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/format.visual_index.php';

$OBJ =& get_instance();

* Returns ccs file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_css()
$out = '';

if (!isset($this->exhibit['lib_css'])) return;

if ($this->exhibit['lib_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['lib_css']))
foreach ($this->exhibit['lib_css'] as $css)
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/css/$css" . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/css/" . $this->exhibit['lib_css'] . $this->version . "); </style>\n";

return $out;

* Returns ccs file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function theme_css()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

$out = '';

if (!isset($this->exhibit['theme_css'])) return;

$theme = $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'];

if ($this->exhibit['theme_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['theme_css']))
foreach ($this->exhibit['theme_css'] as $css)
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/$theme/$css" . $this->version . "); </style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'> @import url(" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/$theme/" . $this->exhibit['theme_css'] . $this->version . "); </style>\n";

return $out;

public function css()
$out = $this->lib_css();
$out .= $this->theme_css();
$out .= $this->dyn_css();

return $out;

public function append_index()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

$s = '';

if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_index']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_index'] as $do)
$s .= $do;

return $s;

public function append_page()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

$s = '';

if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_page']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['append_page'] as $do)
$s .= $do;

return $s;

public function front_test()
echo ' testing ';

public function sidebar()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

$s = '';

if (isset($OBJ->page->exhibit['sidebar']))
foreach ($OBJ->page->exhibit['sidebar'] as $do)
$s .= $do;

return $s;

public function password_protect()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] == true)
$this->protected = false;

// let's keep track of visits

// what about section passwords?
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;

$page = 'ndxz_sec_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['secid'];

if (isset($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
//setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);

// is this bad?
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_sec_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');

// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . ndxz_rewriter($OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']));
else // it does not
$this->protected = true;

$out = $this->sec_password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";

$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['sec_pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->sec_password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
// built-in password check
// checks only the active page
if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd'] != '')
$this->cached = false;

$page = 'ndxz_page_' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['id'];

if (isset($_POST['ndxz_pwd_sbmt']) && ($_POST['ndxz_hid'] == ''))
// it matches the password
if (md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']) == md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
// set the cookie for one day
//setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, $OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']);

// is this bad?
setcookie($page, md5($_POST['ndxz_pwd']), time()+3600*24, '/');

// do we need to do a redirect here then?
header('location:' . BASEURL . ndxz_rewriter($OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']));
else // it does not
$out = $this->password();
$out .= "<p>Incorrect.</p>\n";

$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $out;
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$page]))
// it doesn't match the password
if ($_COOKIE[$page] != md5($OBJ->vars->exhibit['pwd']))
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];
$this->protected = true;
$OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'] = $this->password();
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];

public function exhibit()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] != true)
if ($this->protected == true)
return $OBJ->page->exhibit['exhibit'];

// otherwise, we load our exhibit class
return $OBJ->exhibit->createExhibit();

public function submedia()
$OBJ =& get_instance();


public function closing()
// this will be for hooks that come at the end
// google analytics for instance

$OBJ =& get_instance();

// think we need to loop through an array of parts here
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('closing'))
return $OBJ->hook->do_action('closing');

public function statistics()
// this will be for hooks that come at the end
// google analytics for instance
$OBJ =& get_instance();

// think we need to loop through an array of parts here
if (isset($OBJ->abstracts->abstract['statistics']))
return $OBJ->abstracts->abstract['statistics'];

public function meta()
$OBJ =& get_instance();

if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('add_meta_tags'))
return $OBJ->hook->do_action('add_meta_tags');

public function favicon()


* Returns js file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_js()
$out = '';

if (!empty($this->js_lib_table))
$this->js_lib_table = array_unique($this->js_lib_table);

foreach ($this->js_lib_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

//$out .= $this->front_jquery();

return $out;

* Returns jquery file info
* @param void
* @return string
public function lib_jquery()
$out = '';

if (!empty($this->js_jquery_table))
$this->js_jquery_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_table);

// auto add jquery.js
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/jquery.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

foreach ($this->js_jquery_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

$out .= $this->front_jquery();

return $out;

* Returns css - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function dyn_css()
$out = '';

if (!isset($this->exhibit['dyn_css'])) return;

if ($this->exhibit['dyn_css'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['dyn_css']))
$out .= "<style type='text/css'>\n";

foreach ($this->exhibit['dyn_css'] as $css)
$out .= "$css\n";

$out .= "</style>\n";
$out .= "<style type='text/css'>\n$css" . $this->version . "\n</style>\n";

return $out;

* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function dyn_js()
$out = '';

// check on this later...
if (empty($this->exhibit['dyn_js'])) return;

if ($this->exhibit['dyn_js'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['dyn_js']))
$tmp = array_unique($this->exhibit['dyn_js']);

$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";

foreach ($tmp as $js)
$out .= "$js\n";

$out .= "</script>\n";

return $out;

* Returns js onload parts
* @param void
* @return string
public function onload_js()
$out = '';

if (!isset($this->exhibit['onload'])) return;

if ($this->exhibit['onload'] != '')
if (is_array($this->exhibit['onload']))
$out .= " onload=\"";

foreach ($this->exhibit['onload'] as $js)
$out .= "$js ";

$out .= "\"";
$out .= " onload=\"$js\"\n";

return $out;

* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function jquery()
$out = '';

if (empty($this->js_jquery_table)) return;


if (is_array($this->js_jquery_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/jquery.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

foreach ($this->js_jquery_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

return $out;

* Returns js - dynamically generated
* @param void
* @return string
public function prototype()
$out = '';

if (empty($this->js_prototype_table)) return;

if (is_array($this->js_prototype_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/prototype.js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

foreach ($this->js_prototype_table as $js)
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . BASEURL . "/ndxzsite/js/$js" . $this->version . "'></script>\n";

return $out;

public function onready()
$out = $this->jquery_onready();

// not sure about this one yet
//$out .= $this->front_prototype_onready();

return $out;

* Returns js onready parts (for Jquery)
* @param void
* @return string
public function jquery_onready()
$out = '';

if (empty($this->js_jquery_onready_table)) return;

$result = array_unique($this->js_jquery_onready_table);

if (is_array($result))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$out .= "$(document).ready(function()\n";
$out .= "{\n";

foreach ($result as $js)
$out .= "\t{$js}\n";

$out .= "});\n";
$out .= "</script>\n";

return $out;

* Returns js onready parts (for Jquery)
* @param void
* @return string
public function prototype_onready()
$out = '';

if (empty($this->js_prototype_onready_table)) return;

if (is_array($this->js_prototype_onready_table))
$out .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$out .= "$(document).ready(function()\n";
$out .= "{\n";

foreach ($this->js_prototype_onready_table as $js)
$out .= "\t{$js}\n";

$out .= "});\n";
$out .= "</script>\n";

return $out;

public function add_jquery($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_jquery_table[$priority]))
$this->js_jquery_table[$priority] = $file;
$this->add_jquery($file, $priority+1);

$this->js_jquery_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_table);

public function add_prototype($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_prototype_table[$priority]))
$this->js_prototype_table[$priority] = $file;

public function add_jquery_onready($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_jquery_onready_table[$priority]))
$this->js_jquery_onready_table[$priority] = $file;
$this->add_jquery_onready($file, $priority+1);

$this->js_jquery_onready_table = array_unique($this->js_jquery_onready_table);

public function add_prototype_onready($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_prototype_onready_table[$priority]))
$this->js_prototype_onready_table[$priority] = $file;

public function add_lib_js($file, $priority = 25)
if (!isset($this->js_lib_table[$priority]))
$this->js_lib_table[$priority] = $file;

public function remove_lib_js($file, $priority = 25)
if ($this->js_lib_table[$priority] == $file)

public function delay_load_last($function='')
if ($function == '') return;

$OBJ =& get_instance();

return $this->$function();

/// for alternate parsing - PHP
* Returns callback for function
* @param array $match
* @return string
public function load_plugin($match)
$OBJ =& get_instance();

$this->func = $match;
$arg_list = func_get_args();

if ($arg_list[0][2] != '')
$args = explode(',', $arg_list[0][2]);
$args = array_map('trim', $args);
$args = NULL;

$args = $this->getArgs($args);

if (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.' . $this->func . '.php'))
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.' . $this->func . '.php';

if (class_exists($this->func))
$tmp = $this->func;

// only if it exists
if (method_exists($OBJ->$tmp, $args[0]) && $args[0] != '')
// it is possible to send variables to the method
$args[1] = (isset($args[1])) ? $args[1] : null;
$args[2] = (isset($args[2])) ? $args[2] : null;

return call_user_func_array(array($OBJ->$tmp, $args[0]), array($args[1], $args[2]));
// return call_user_func_array(array($OBJ->$tmp, '__construct'), array(null, null));
else if (function_exists($this->func))
return call_user_func_array($this->func, $args);

* Returns parameters for function
* @param array $args
* @return string
public function getArgs($args)
if ($args == NULL) return;

foreach ($args as $arg)
// var
$arg = preg_replace('/^.*=/', '', $arg);
// front
$arg = preg_replace('/^(\'|")/', '', $arg);
// back
$var[] = preg_replace('/(\'|")$/', '', $arg);

return $var;

voici le fichier index.php

<?php define('SITE', 'Bonjour!');

// hide errors for the live site

// the basics
if (file_exists('ndxzsite/config/config.php')) require_once 'ndxzsite/config/config.php';

require_once 'ndxzsite/config/options.php';
require_once 'ndxzstudio/defaults.php';
require_once 'ndxzstudio/common.php';

$time_start = microtime_float();

// make sure we have our connection array

// messy, but seems to work
$_REAL_SCRIPT_DIR = realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
$_REAL_BASE_DIR = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
$_MY_PATH_PART = substr($_REAL_SCRIPT_DIR, strlen($_REAL_BASE_DIR));
$uri = $_MY_PATH_PART
? substr(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), 0, -strlen($_MY_PATH_PART))
: dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);

$uri = entry_uri($uri, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$uri = str_replace($self, '', $uri);

// check for cached
$CACHE =& load_class('cache', true, 'lib');
$CACHE->check_cached($uri); // let's check for post values to turn off caching

if ($CACHE->cached == true)
// load the core
$OBJ =& load_class('core', true, 'lib');

// need to load up hooks

// set defaults
$OBJ->vars->default = $default;


// check for a preloading hook
if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('site_protect')) $OBJ->hook->do_action('site_protect');

// make a hook to change defaults?

// media checks
$uri = media_check($uri);

// 'home' feature
// if $uri == '/' switch query to search via 'home'
if ($uri == '/')
$q['qry'] = "AND home = '1' ";
$q['flag'] = true;
$q['qry'] = "AND url =  " . $OBJ->db->escape($uri) ;
$q['flag'] = false;

// page query
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *    
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections  
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE status = '1'
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");

// second try - enforces / as default
if ((!$OBJ->vars->exhibit) && ($q['flag'] == true))
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections  
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE status = '1'
AND url = " . $OBJ->db->escape($uri) . "
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");

if (!$OBJ->vars->exhibit)
// try again with site root - the 'home' page
$OBJ->vars->exhibit = $OBJ->db->fetchRecord("SELECT *
FROM ".PX."objects, ".PX."objects_prefs, ".PX."sections
INNER JOIN ".PX."settings ON adm_id = '1'
WHERE home = '1'
AND status = '1'
AND section_id = secid
AND object = obj_ref_type");

// we don't cache these
$CACHE->defaults['caching'] = false;

header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");

// we need a formal error page
if (!$OBJ->vars->exhibit)
// we don't search engines indexing this
front_error('File Not Found', 404);

// we need to let the system know whether it's front or back end...
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] = false;

// create the abstracts for exhibits or even images

// autoload 'plugins' folder
include_once DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/plugin/index.php';

// additional variables
// perhaps we should port these differently?
$OBJ->baseurl = BASEURL;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['baseurl'] = BASEURL;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['basename'] = BASENAME;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['basefiles'] = BASEFILES;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['gimgs'] = GIMGS;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['ajax'] = false;
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['cms'] = false;

// we want to lose all of this
$GLOBALS['rs'] = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;

// setup front end helper class
$OBJ->lib_class('page', true, 'lib');

if ($OBJ->hook->registered_hook('pre_load')) $OBJ->hook->do_action('pre_load');

// is it special media?
$OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'] = ($OBJ->template_override == true) ? 'media.php' : $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'];

$OBJ->parse->vars = $OBJ->vars->exhibit;

// this allows us some control over outputs...
// like adding extra exhibits or variables via user input

$template = (file_exists(DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'])) ? $OBJ->vars->exhibit['template'] : 'index.php';
$filename = DIRNAME . '/ndxzsite/' . $OBJ->vars->exhibit['obj_theme'] . '/' . $template;
$fp = @fopen($filename, 'r');
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));

$OBJ->parse->code = $contents;
$output = $OBJ->parse->parsing();

header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
echo $output;

// caching - if enabled and possible
// we want media pages to cache as well
$uri = ($OBJ->template_override == true) ? $OBJ->temp_uri : $uri;

// no cache if a password page
if (($OBJ->page->cached == true)) $CACHE->makeCache($uri, $output);
lundi 19 novembre 2012

SiMax Messages : 7572

Salut !

Les infos type "header" sont à déclarer avant d'écrire tout contenu HTML. Dès que tu as envoyé du HTML, tu ne peux plus les modifier. Quand tu veux les modifier, tu obtiens ce message d'erreur. Il est précisé :

  • already sent by (output started at /fichier.php:ligne) : la ligne du fichier où le header a déjà été envoyé
  • in /fichier.php on line ligne : la ligne du fichier où tu essayes de redéfinir un header

A toi de vérifier aux lignes précisées et de faire les modifications nécessaires

lundi 19 novembre 2012

Sadji Messages : 3


effectivement c'est ce fichier .php que j'ai ouvert et modifié. En rajoutant la balise de fin "?>", tout smble rentrer dans l'odre.


lundi 19 novembre 2012

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